Sunday, 29 November 2015

Monday 27 November 2015

Dear Parents / Caregivers of Gladstone School

This note is to advise school families that Mrs Bradley has just advised us this morning that she has won a teaching position at Lakeview School, commencing at the beginning of Term 1, 2016.   We wish Mrs Bradley every success in her new job and thank her for all her contributions to Gladstone School over the past 7 years. We will have an opportunity to thank and farewell Mrs Bradley at the end of term.

Two permanent teaching positions are currently being advertised and we are expecting to make appointments before the end of the year.  We will let families know of this outcome at that time.  The additional position that has now become available, will also be advertised shortly and if necessary it will be filled by a current reliever until a permanent teacher is appointed.

Please contact me directly should you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely

Margaret Hyslop

Gladstone School Principal

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

It is Great to be Back

It is great to be back at Gladstone School and to hear all about the wonderful achievements and learning opportunities that have been taking place over the past term.  Gladstone School Athletics representatives showed excellent sportsmanship yesterday at the south Wairarapa Athletic Sports Day and I believe we have a number of students going through to the regionals.   The school newsletter is published tomorrow, so their will be lots of end of year information in that publication.