Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Congratulations Gladstone School Top Speech Makers

Cully Lockyer Y8, and Henry Borthwick Y7, both made it through to the finals of the Rotary Wairarapa Speech Competition. This means they are both in the top 6 speech makers for their respective Year groups for 2015. Both boys presented their speeches extremely well during the final competition last night at Lakeview School.  A special congratulations to Cully Lockyer who gained third place in the Y8 competition at the final event. This is an outstanding achievement.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Congratulations Speech Makers

Next week the Wairarapa Rotary Speech Competitions will be held at Lakeview School for Y8 and  Y7. Congratulations to our Gladstone School representatives, Cully Lockyer for Y8 and Henry Borthwick for Y7. Best of luck to both boys for the 26th May 2015.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Footsteps Dance Visit

Today our students had an amazing experience working with Kate from the Footsteps Dance Company. Each group (juniors and seniors) had a 30 minute dance lesson with Kate this morning. It was fantastic to see everyone taking part enthusiastically developing their dance routine.

Police Tractor

Everyone enjoyed seeing the police tractor on Tuesday afternoon at Gladstone School. This was visit organised by Sargent Ian Osland from the Masterton Police and is part of the campaign to highlight rural crime prevention.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Busy New Entrant Learners

Room 5  Y1 students always enjoy the chance to create and explore. Three new entrant students enrolled this term with more to arrive in June.

Room 3 Sharing Their Learning

Room 3 are making the most of their ICT (Information Communication Technology) ipad devices to enhance their learning. They actively work together to create some amazing animated writing. Have a look at some of the work they have created on the Room 3 Blog.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Room 1 Antics

Mr Dalziel enjoyed dancing on Friday so much that he dressed up for the occasion.

Some Room 1 students are finding unique ways to remember their notes.